Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges President Trump to Stop the VA from Placing Liens on The Compensation Settlements for Navy Veterans with Mesothelioma or Asbestos Exposure Lung Cancer-The Navy Caused the Exposure Not the Sailor
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We have just learned the Veterans Administration is now placing liens for medical treatments on the financial compensation settlements for US Navy Veterans who have mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer-are you kidding us? We are now urging President Trump to issue an Executive order to stop this ridiculous practice.
“To be very clear it was the US Navy that caused the US Navy Veteran to be exposed to asbestos in the first place. Why on earth should the US Navy Veteran have to reimburse the VA for medical treatments that were related to the navy forcing their sailors to be exposed to asbestos on a ship or submarine? The reason we are appealing directly to President Trump is that we think he will do something about this insult to every US Navy Veteran who has served in our nation’s amazing navy.
“At this moment the US Congress appears to be so incredibly self-absorbed with complete nonsense that it might take them a year to fix this incredibly serious problem. It is for this reason we are appealing directly to President Trump.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is pointing to an obscure VA rule-U.S. Code that has to do with medical treatments for Veterans that involve a compensation settlement related to personal injury law suits. This rule is found under U.S. Code, Title 38, § 1729.
According to the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center, “The geniuses at the Veterans Administration and or the US Congress probably failed to consider mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer financial compensation settlements involving US Navy Veterans-when they created this rule. As we mentioned -the US Navy created the environment for a Navy Veteran to be exposed to asbestos-why should the Navy Veteran have to pay one cent for their VA medical treatment-when it was a government department (Department of the Navy) that caused the exposure to asbestos in the first place? The Navy Veteran’s medical care in the event of asbestos exposure lung cancer or mesothelioma should be free of charge-with no strings attached.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is an advocate for people with asbestos exposure lung cancer and or mesothelioma. Their top priority is doing everything possible to see to it that people like this receive the best possible financial compensation. The group honors the amazing men and women who have served in the US Navy and this press release is dedicated to them. If a Navy Veteran with asbestos exposure lung cancer or mesothelioma would like some help, they are welcome to call the group anytime at 800-714-0303. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Diagnosed Persons with Lung Cancer to Call Them About Compensation if They Had Asbestos Exposure at an Industrial Workplace or the Navy
NEW YORK, Nov. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We are urging persons who have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer to call us anytime at 800-714-0303 about potentially significant financial compensation if they were exposed to asbestos while serving in the US Navy or while working at an industrial workplace. When we say, ‘significant financial compensation’, we mean potentially tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation.
The types of people we are appealing to were exposed to asbestos in the navy or while working at an industrial workplace such as a shipyard, a steel mill, a power plant, an auto manufacturing facility, an aerospace company or as a skilled tradesman such as an electrician, welder, plumber, pipefitter, or a commercial insulator. If you have lung cancer because of exposure to asbestos at work or while serving in the navy, please take your potential compensation seriously and call us at 800-714-0303.” http://
According to the American Lung Association, ” Nonsmoking asbestos workers are five times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers not exposed to asbestos; if they also smoke, the risk factor jumps to 50 or higher. Environmental exposures also can increase the risk of lung cancer death.” This year approximately 250,000 US citizens will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Of this group, the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center estimates at least 10% of these people now have lung cancer because asbestos exposure. Aside from lung cancer, exposure to asbestos can lead to a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma.
High-risk work groups for exposure to asbestos include Veterans of the US Navy, power plant workers, shipyard workers, steel mill workers, oil refinery workers, factory workers, plumbers, electricians, welders, pipefitters, millwrights, pipefitters, miners, auto mechanics, machinists, pulp or paper mill workers, printers, firemen, rail road workers and construction workers. In most instances people with asbestos exposure lung cancer or mesothelioma were exposed to this mineral used in insulation in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s. http://
According to the CDC some of the top states for lung cancer include Oklahoma, Ohio,
However, a person with lung cancer or mesothelioma because of exposure to asbestos could live in any state including Maine,
For more information about potentially significant financial compensation a recently diagnosed person with lung cancer who had exposure to asbestos in the navy or at a manufacturing or industrial workplace or their family members are welcome to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 800-714-0303. http://

Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges a Navy Veteran or Industrial Worker with Lung Cancer to Call Them About Possible Compensation If They Had Workplace Exposure to Asbestos
NEW YORK,Sept. 20, 2017/PRNewswire/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is now urging a US Navy Veteran, or an industrial worker in any state who has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer to call them, if they were exposed to asbestos on a US Navy ship, or at an industrial workplace, because there could be significant financial compensation for these specific types of people. For more information a diagnosed person with lung cancer, or their family members are encouraged to contact the group at 800-714-0303.http://
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “Most people with lung cancer inthe United Statesdo not know that they might be eligible for significant financial compensation if they were exposed to asbestos at their workplace. For millions of US Navy Veterans their workplace was a ship, and more-often than not the ship was loaded with asbestos. Additionally, an employee at an industrial workplace who was exposed to asbestos and now has lung cancer could also potentially receive significant compensation. When we mention significant compensation; it could be in the tens of thousands of dollars or more as we would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303.”http://
High-risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards, power plants, public utilities, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, pulp and paper mills, aerospace manufacturing facilities, offshore oil rigs, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure.
States with the highest incidence of lung cancer include:
- Kentucky
- West Virginia
- Maine
- Tennessee
- Mississippi
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Louisiana
- Arkansas
- Missouri
- North Carolina
“Provided the person with lung cancer can prove their exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what could be significant financial compensation. We also want to emphasize this initiative is not only about helping people with mesothelioma, it is also about trying to help a lung cancer victim who was exposed to asbestos while serving in the US Navy or while working at an industrial workplace.”
For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 800-714-0303.http://

Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges a Person with Lung Cancer Who Had Exposure to Asbestos at Work or in the US Navy to Call About Possible Significant Compensation
NEW YORK,Aug. 15, 2017/PRNewswire/ — TheLung Cancer Asbestos Victims Centersays, “We are appealing to a US Navy Veteran or a person who has been recently diagnosed with any type of lung cancer to call us anytime at 800-714-0303 about what could be significant financial compensation if they had heavy exposure to asbestos at work or while in the serving in navy. We are not talking about people with mesothelioma, we are talking about people with lung cancer who had constant exposure to asbestos at a factory, mill, oil refinery, power plant, public utility, or as a skilled tradesman.
“The possible compensation amounts could vary, but we are potentially talking about tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars for lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos on a navy ship, or workers exposed to asbestos at a shipyard, a factory, or an industrial workplace. According to the American Cancer Society, for nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos in their workplace the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers. We are urging family members or friends to share our contact information with a friend or relative if they now have lung cancer and they had workplace exposure to asbestos.”http://
Important Note from The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the Veterans Administration there are currently about 21 million US Veterans. Of this group about 35% served in the US Navy. The states with the largest concentrations of US Navy Veterans includeVirginia,Washington,
Aside from US Navy Veterans theLung Cancer Asbestos Victims Centeris very focused on identifying specific types of people who were exposed to asbestos at work and now have lung cancer. These work groups include:
- Power Plant Workers
- Shipyard Workers
- Manufacturing Workers
- Oil Refinery Workers
- Public Utility Workers
- Aerospace Workers
- Pulp and Paper Mill Workers
- Steel Mill Workers
- Chemical Plant Workers
- Railroad Workers
- Electricians, Plumbers or Skilled Trades Workers
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center’s number one goal is doing everything possible to see to it that people with lung cancer inthe United Statesget compensated if they were heavily exposed to asbestos at an industrial or manufacturing workplace and or while they were serving in the US Navy. For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 800-714-0303.http://
For more information about asbestos exposure and cancer please visit the National Cancer Institute’s website on this topic:

Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Navy Veterans or Industrial Workers with Lung Cancer to Call About Possible Compensation – If They Had Workplace Exposure to Asbestos
NEW YORK,Aug. 9, 2017/PRNewswire/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We are urging US Navy Veterans, former industrial or manufacturing workers who have recently been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer to call us anytime at 800-714-0303 about possible significant financial compensation if they had heavy exposure to asbestos at work.”http://
Types of Lung Cancers:
- Adenocarcinoma: Begins in the cells that form the lining of the lungs, has gland-like properties, makes up just over 30% of lung cancer diagnosed.
- Squamous cell carcinoma: Begins in the thin, flat cells that line the passages of the respiratory tract, makes up just under 30% of lung cancer diagnoses.
- Large cell carcinoma: Poorly differentiated (has none of the features that would allow it to be diagnosed as another type of NSCLC), Faster growing form of NSCLC, makes up about 9% of lung cancer diagnoses.
- Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) makes up 15-20% of all lung cancer cases. It is a type of neuroendocrine tumor with cells that are smaller in size than most other cancer cells. It is a fast-growing cancer that spreads rapidly to other parts of the body.
TheLung Cancer Asbestos Victims Centeris now urging US Navy Veterans who have been now been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer to call them immediately, if the Veteran was exposed to asbestos on a US Navy ship, or at a US Navy Shipyard. Aside from the US Navy, other high-risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include power plants, manufacturing facilities, chemical plants, oil refineries, aerospace manufacturing facilities, automotive manufacturing facilities, or public utilities. Most victims of lung cancer in the United States may not know that they might be eligible for significant financial compensation if they were exposed to asbestos at their workplace.
If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace, the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients-nationwide. For more information, lung cancer victims and their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 800-714-0303.http://
Important Note from The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “About 150,000 US citizens will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year. We believe about 15% of this group probably had medium to heavy exposure to asbestos at their workplace or while serving in the US Navy. We would like to help these people get compensated if possible. We need to make it clear we are not talking about mesothelioma – we are talking about people with lung cancer. The compensation we are describing could be in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars as we would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303.
“If you have a friend or loved one with lung cancer and you know they had heavy exposure to asbestos at work or while serving in the US Navy please share our contact information with them.”http://
For attribution please refer to the Lung Cancer Alliance’s website:http://www.
For more information about asbestos exposure and cancer please visit the National Cancer Institute’s website on this topic:
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges a Lung Cancer Victim Who Was Exposed to Asbestos at an Industrial Workplace or US Navy to Call About Possible Significant Compensation
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is urging family of any type of lung cancer victim to ask if the loved one had workplace exposure to asbestos, and if the answer is yes-please call the group at 800-714-0303 about possible compensation.
NEW YORK, NY, August 03, 2017 /24-7PressRelease/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is attempting to notify people who have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer that they may be entitled to what could be significant financial compensation if they were exposed to asbestos at a work. If a person with any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients nationwide.
For more information a person with lung cancer, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 800-714-0303.http://
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “High-risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include the US Navy, shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops.”
“With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. Many victims never smoked, and never connected their asbestos exposure at work, and their lung cancer. As long as-the lung cancer victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos at work, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 800-714-0303.”http://
According to the American Cancer Society for nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos in their workplace the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers.
The states with the most diagnosed victims of lung cancer in the US include, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and West Virginia, Alaska, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Vermont.http://
For more information about lung cancer and asbestos exposure please visit the Center for Disease Control’s website:https://www.atsdr.
For more information about asbestos please visit the American Cancer Society’s website on this topic:
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges a Navy Veteran or Industrial Worker with Lung Cancer to Call Them If They Were Exposed to Asbestos at Work for Possible Compensation
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We are urging any type of lung cancer victim to call us if they had heavy exposure to asbestos at an industrial workplace or while serving in the US Navy. The compensation for these types of individuals can be in the tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially if they are a nonsmoker.” Victims of any type of lung cancer who were exposed to asbestos at work, or have been diagnosed with mesothelioma are urged to contact the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 800-714-0303. http://
According to the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center, “We are trying to help what we estimate to be about 20,000 US citizens this year obtain what could be a substantial financial compensation, if they have any type of lung cancer, provided they had significant exposure to asbestos at an industrial workplace or while serving in the US Navy. The potential compensation amounts could vary, but we could be talking about tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we need family members to help us get these lung cancer victims identified.” If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace such as the US Navy, a power plant, a factory, an oil refinery or a shipyard they are urged to call us anytime at 800-714-0303.”
Upon hearing from a lung cancer victim, the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the them, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information, a lung cancer victim or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 800-714-0303. http://
Important Note from The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the American Cancer Society, “For nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos at their workplace, the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers.” According to the US Centers for Disease Control the following US states have the highest incidence of lung cancer, “Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, K
From the Veterans Administration: Health problems associated with exposure to asbestos
Breathing asbestos mainly causes problems in the lungs and the membrane that surrounds the lungs, including:
- Asbestosis – Scarring of lung tissue that causes breathing problems, usually in workers exposed to asbestos in workplaces before the Federal government began regulating asbestos use (mid-1970s).
- Pleural plaques – Scarring in the inner surface of the ribcage and area surrounding the lungs that can cause breathing problems, though usually not as serious as asbestosis. People living in areas with high environmental levels of asbestos, as well as workers, can develop pleural plaques.
- Cancer – The two types of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos are lung cancer and mesothelioma.http://
LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCente r.Com
For more information about asbestos exposure and cancer please visit the National Cancer Institute’s website on this topic:
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Offers Vital Compensation Tips For Diagnosed Victims Of Mesothelioma Who Worked In Construction Because Too Many Get Shortchanged
December 10, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “Former residential, or commercial construction workers who have now been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or their families may not be aware these types of mesothelioma compensation claims may frequently involve million dollar settlements, especially if the diagnosed victim was a carpenter, plumber, electrician, a drywall hanger, or an insulter. Typically we are talking about construction workers with asbestos exposure that took place during the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, or 1980’s. The reason we are so passionate about helping former construction workers during these time frames is because so many building products contained asbestos, and the compensation can be so significant.”
The reason the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is so focused on helping these types of mesothelioma victims, or their family members is because the extremely skilled mesothelioma attorneys they suggest really do get better financial compensation results for their clients, because they are so familiar with construction, or building products that were used decades ago. For more information diagnosed victims of mesothelioma, or their family members are strongly encouraged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://
Compensation Tips For Diagnosed Victims Of Mesothelioma Who Worked In Construction Or The Building Trades From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center:
- The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “For diagnosed victims of mesothelioma who worked in construction, or the building trades it really is vital they have the nation’s most skilled mesothelioma attorneys in their corner, because all these incredibly experienced legal specialists do are mesothelioma compensation claims. We are the only group in the nation offering instant access to the nation’s top mesothelioma compensation specialists with just one call to 866-714-6466.
- Compare the resumes of the nation’s top mesothelioma attorneys suggested by the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center before hiring a local personal injury attorney, or a cable TV mesothelioma marketing law firm.
- The process to begin a mesothelioma compensation claim must occur immediately after the victim has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, because mesothelioma is such an aggressive form of cancer.
- The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will have one of the nation’s top mesothelioma compensation attorneys in the home of the diagnosed victim within 48 hours of the first contact with the group, because it is absolutely vital the mesothelioma attorneys suggested by the group have a face to face meeting with the victim so they can get as much first hand information about exposure to asbestos from the diagnosed victim. The more first hand information about various asbestos exposures typically the better the financial compensation.
Information about mesothelioma from the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “According to the CDC, high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include: US Navy, shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With mesothelioma or lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure, the cancer may not show up for decades after exposure. The average age for a diagnosed victim of mesothelioma is 72 years old. According to the CDC between 2500 and 3000 US Citizens will be diagnosed with mesothelioma this year.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control the states with the highest incidence of lung cancer include: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, and West Virginia. The states with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maine, Washington, and Wyoming. Because of their population size California, New York, Texas, Ohio, Illinois, and Florida are the states with the most diagnosed victims of mesothelioma, or lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure.http://
As long as the diagnosed victim of mesothelioma, lung cancer victim, or their family members can supply us with proof of exposure to asbestos, the Center will do everything possible to help get what might be substantial financial compensation, including instant access to the nation’s most skilled mesothelioma, or asbestos exposure compensation attorneys.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://
For more information about a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos called mesothelioma, please visit the US Centers for Disease Control’s web site:
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Mesothelioma Or Lung Cancer Victims To Call Them If They Has Asbestos Exposure While In The US Navy-For Better Compensation
June 03, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “US Navy Veterans deserve the best, not just because of their service to our country, but because some of them were exposed to such high levels of asbestos they now have a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma, or they have asbestos related forms of lung cancer, and we stand ready to make sure these individuals, and their family members have on the spot access to the nations most skilled, and competent mesothelioma lawyers, or asbestos exposure law firms for compensation. The possible compensation amounts will vary, but we are talking about tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars for lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos on a navy ship, and possibly over a million dollars for victims of mesothelioma.” For more information victims of mesothelioma, lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466.
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the Veterans Administration there are currently 22 million US Navy Veterans. The states with the largest concentrations of US Navy Veterans include Virginia, Washington, Maine, California, New York, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Louisiana, Illinois, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, West Virginia, and Oregon. With mesothelioma, or lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure, the cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Victims Of Mesothelioma Or Asbestos Related Lung Cancer To Call Them About Getting The Most Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyers
May 02, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “Are you, or a family member diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma? If the answer is yes, we want you to call us, because our number one passion is making certain a victim of mesothelioma, or their family members actually end up with the most experienced, and skilled mesothelioma lawyers in the nation, because the skill, and experience of the mesothelioma attorney has a direct relationship to financial compensation for this rare form of cancer.” Why is the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center so passionate about make certain a victim of mesothelioma actually ends up with the most experienced mesothelioma lawyers in the nation? Compensation for mesothelioma can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. However, more often than not compensation for mesothelioma is directly related to the experience, and the skill of the mesothelioma lawyers, or law firm. Diagnosed victims of mesothelioma, or lung cancer victims who had exposure to asbestos at work are strongly encouraged to contact the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466.
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “The top mesothelioma lawyers nationwide typically have skill sets that are unique to a victims place of work. As an example there are extremely skilled mesothelioma law firms that are renowned for their work for US Navy Veterans, or chemical plant workers, or plumbers, electricians, or power plant workers. Our passion is the best possible compensation for mesiothelioma victims, and their family members, by making certain they have the most experienced lawyers, and or law firms.” Another mesothelioma advocacy group that shares this passion is the Mesothelioma Victims Center. http://MesotheliomaVictimsCenter.Com.
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “According to the Veterans Administration US Navy Veterans have a higher risk for mesothelioma, or lung cancers that are related to asbestos exposure, because of high concentrations of asbestos on US Navy ships. The states with the highest concentrations of US Navy Veterans include California, New York, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Washington, Virginia, Illinois, New Jersey, Maine, West Virginia, Michigan, and Wyoming. Aside from the US Navy, other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities in California, Washington, Kansas, and Missouri, demolition construction work sites, railroad repair yards, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the mesothelioma, or lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Urges Family Members To Call Them If Their Loved One Victim Of Lung Cancer Was Exposed To Asbestos In The Workplace-Financial Compensation
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is requesting family members, or friends of any type of lung cancer victim to ask if the loved one had workplace related exposure to asbestos, and if the answer is yes, the group is requesting the lung cancer victim, or their family members contact the group immediately, because significant financial compensation could be involved. For more information victims of lung cancer, or their family members are encouraged to contact the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
March 15, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center fears tens of thousands of US citizens are diagnosed with lung cancer each year where the cause of the lung cancer was not smoking cigarettes, it was exposure to asbestos, and the group is doing everything possible to get family members, or friends to help them get these victims identified. The compensation for a lung cancer victim, who was exposed to asbestos in their workplace can be in the tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and these asbestos lung cancer victims are in all states including California, Florida, New York, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Washington, and all other states. If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466.
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “This is hard to comprehend, but according to the American Cancer Society, for nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos in their workplace the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers. Our challenge is to try to identify these lung cancer asbestos victims, who had significant exposure to asbestos, because there really can be significant financial compensation for them, and we really do need help from family members, and friends to get these victims identified, and they are welcome to call us anytime at 866-714-6466 for more information.”
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “High risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include the US Navy, shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. Many victims never smoked, and never connected the asbestos exposure to their lung cancer. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466.
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Fears that 1000’s of Lung Cancer Victims Who Were Exposed to Asbestos at their Workplace Never Get Compensated – A Sad Truth
March 07, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is trying to get the word out to a large segment of all US lung cancer victims, who also had long term exposure to asbestos in the workplace, that there may be significant financial compensation available to them, because the asbestos trusts were also set up for victims of any type of lung cancer, who were exposed to asbestos on the job. If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466.
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the American Cancer Society for nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos in their workplace the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers. The states with the most diagnosed victims of lung cancer in the US include, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and West Virginia, Alaska, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Vermont. What we want to know is how many of these lung cancer victims also had long term exposure to asbestos at their workplace, and we want to hear from them if they had long term exposure.”
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “High risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include the US Navy, shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. Many victims never smoked, and never connected their asbestos exposure at work, and their lung cancer. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos at work, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466.
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Any Type Of Lung Cancer Victim Who Was Exposed To Asbestos In Their Workplace To Call Them About Significant Compensation
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We now believe the worst kept secret for the vast majority of lung cancer victims in the United States is if they were exposed to asbestos in their workplace they may be eligible for significant financial compensation, and we want to hear from these victims, or their family members.” For more information victims of lung cancer, or their family members are encouraged to contact the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
February 27, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “At this moment we could easily have 20,000 diagnosed lung cancer victims in the United States, who all had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace, and who could be eligible for significant financial compensation. We want to emphasize it can be any type of lung cancer, the only common denominator must be asbestos exposure in the workplace. When we talk about significant financial compensation we mean tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we desperately need family members, and loved ones to help us get the word out.” If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the American Cancer Society nonsmokers who had exposure to asbestos in their workplace have a five times greater chance of getting lung cancer than nonsmokers, who had no asbestos exposure. We also want to emphasize we are talking about lung cancer victims in all states, including California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Idaho, Colorado, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Alabama, or any other state. Again we need family members, or friends to help us get these victims identified and they can call us anytime at 866-714-6466.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “Veterans of the US Navy probably had the highest exposure to asbestos because asbestos was in all US Navy ships until recently. Other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. Most lung cancer victims never smoked, and never connected the asbestos exposure to their lung cancer. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Famiies Of A Lung Cancer Victim To Ask If They Were Exposed To Asbestos In The Workplace And If The Answer Is Yes-Call Them
February 19, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “We are doing everything possible to get the word out to all US lung cancer victims, about possible significant financial compensation, if they were exposed to asbestos in their workplace. We fear there are up to 20,000 US citizens right now, who have been diagnosed with any kind of lung cancer, who were exposed to asbestos in their workplace, and who should get significant financial compensation. We want to be the advocate for all lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos at their workplace, and we want to make certain they are compensated. If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients.” For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “According to the American Lung Association, “In nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos, the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “According to the US Centers for Disease Control US Navy Veterans had the highest exposure levels to asbestos, because they lived, and worked on navy ships that were loaded with asbestos. Other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards in Washington, California, Virginia, Louisiana, and Maine, power plants especially if they were located in Ohio, West Virginia, Arizona, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, or New Jersey, manufacturing factories in any US state, chemical plants, especially in Louisiana, Texas, or Illinois, oil refineries in Washington, California, New Jersey, Texas, or Alaska, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites nationwide, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer typically does not show up until decades after the exposure. Many victims never smoked, and they never connected their asbestos exposure decades ago, to their lung cancer diagnosis. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges Family Members Of All Lung Cancer Victims To Call Them If The Loved One Was Exposed To Asbestos At Work-Major Compensation
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is now urging family members, loved ones, or friends of lung cancer victims to ask the loved one if he or she had long term exposure to asbestos at their workplace. The group needs the help of family members, friends, and loved ones because they are certain the vast majority of lung cancer victims are unaware there could be significant financial compensation for exposure to asbestos at the workplace. According to the American Lung Association, “Nonsmoking asbestos workers are five times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers not exposed to asbestos. The majority of living lung cancer patients have been diagnosed within the last five years. Lung cancer is mostly a disease of the elderly. In 2006, 81 percent of those living with lung cancer were 60 years of age or older.” The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “There are currently about 374,000 US citizens living with lung cancer. Of this group we are certain at least 10% were exposed to asbestos at their place of work. We need family members, or loved ones to help us get these victims identified for possible compensation in the tens of thousands, or more.” If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace, the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information, lung cancer victims or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “As long as it has been less that two years after the death of a loved one to lung cancer, there still may be significant financial compensation for the family members, but we need to be able to prove the victim was exposed to asbestos at their workplace.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “US Navy Veterans have the highest incidence of exposure to asbestos. Other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include current, or former shipyards in California, Virginia, Washington, Texas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, or Maine, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information lung cancer victims or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center Now Urges All US Navy Veterans With Any Type Of Lung Cancer To Call Them About Possible Compensation-Were You Exposed To Asbestos
February 12, 2013
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is now urging any US Navy Veteran in any US state who has been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer to call them, if they were exposed to asbestos on a US Navy ship, or at a US Navy installation, because there could be significant financial compensation for the exposure to asbestos. For more information victims of lung cancer, or their family members are encouraged to contact the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466.
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center is now urging US Navy Veterans who have been now been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer to call them immediately, if the Veteran was exposed to asbestos on a US Navy ship, or at a US Navy base. The group says, “Most victims of lung cancer in the United States do not know that they might be eligible for significant financial compensation if they were exposed to asbestos at their workplace. For millions of US Navy Veterans their workplace was a ship, and more often than not the ship was loaded with asbestos. This initiative is not just about helping victims of a very rare form of cancer called mesothelioma, that is 100% related to exposure to asbestos, this initiative is all about identifying every US citizen, who has been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer, who were also exposed to asbestos in their workplace, and we want to emphasize the financial compensation might be very significant.” If a victim of any type of lung cancer had long term exposure to asbestos in their workplace the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center will direct the victim, or family members to a very capable law firm, that has an established record of achieving superior results for their clients. For more information lung cancer victims, or their family members are urged to call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
Important Note From The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center: “When you think about US Navy Veterans we assume most people think about big navy bases in California, Washington, Virginia, Hawaii, Maine, Florida, or Georgia. In reality these US Navy Veterans are in all US states, and we need friends, or family members to help us get all of these lung cancer victims, who had exposure to asbestos identified. If any US citizen was exposed to asbestos in their workplace, and they now have lung cancer we want them to call us at 866-714-6466.” http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com
The Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center says, “Aside from the US Navy, other high risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include shipyards, power plants, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, aerospace manufacturing facilities, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. As long as the victim, or their family members can prove the exposure to asbestos, we will do everything possible to help them get what might be significant financial compensation.” For more information please call the Lung Cancer Asbestos Victims Center at 866-714-6466. http://LungCancerAsbestosVictimsCenter.Com